Why choose us for business development?
Opt for SCIS and embrace a client-centric philosophy. We prioritize your success by closely collaborating with you to understand your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. Our partnership is founded on a commitment to delivering results that align with your vision.
Business Development Services

Are you looking for new opportunities to grow your business and reach new customers? Do you want to enter new markets or expand your presence in existing ones? If so, you need a reliable partner who can help you with market entering strategies, setup, and implementation support.

At our company, we have the expertise and experience to assist you in entering new markets or expanding your presence. We can help you with:

– Market analysis: We can help you research the potential market, including its size, growth, trends, opportunities, threats, competitors, customers, and regulations. We can help you evaluate the attractiveness and feasibility of entering a new market, as well as to select the most suitable entry mode.
– Entry mode selection: We can help you choose the best market entering strategy, based on your product, your market, your competition, your resources, and your objectives. We can help you weigh the pros and cons of different entry modes, such as exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, mergers, or wholly-owned subsidiaries.
– Market entry planning: We can help you develop a detailed plan for entering the new market, including your goals, strategies, tactics, activities, timelines, budgets, and metrics. We can help you organize, coordinate, and communicate your market entering efforts, as well as to monitor and evaluate your performance and outcomes.
– Market entry execution: We can help you implement your market entry plan, as well as to adjust and improve it based on the feedback and results. We can help you overcome the challenges and leverage the opportunities of the international business environment. We can also operate as embedded experts, ensuring seamless market penetration and customer satisfaction.

With our market entering strategies, setup, and implementation support, you can achieve your growth and profitability goals, as well as gain a competitive edge in the global market. Contact us today to find out how we can help you enter new markets or expand your presence.

Do you want to increase the value of your business or your product? Do you want to attract more buyers or customers and get a higher price for your business or your product? If so, you need a professional partner who can help you with value enhancement.

We have the skills and the experience to help you enhance the value of your business or your product by:

– Reducing risks: We can help you minimize the uncertainties and threats that can affect your business or your product. We can help you have reliable financial records, contracts, systems, processes, and contingency plans. We can help you increase the confidence and trust of your buyers or customers.
– Increasing revenues: We can help you boost the income generated by your business or your product. We can help you expand your customer base, diversify your product portfolio, enhance your marketing and sales strategies, and create recurring or loyal customers. We can help you indicate the growth potential and the market demand of your business or your product.
– Improving margins: We can help you increase the difference between the revenues and the costs of your business or your product. We can help you reduce the costs, increase the prices, optimize the operations, and leverage the economies of scale. We can help you reflect the efficiency and the profitability of your business or your product.
– Creating differentiation: We can help you make your business or your product unique and superior to your competitors. We can help you offer innovative features, benefits, solutions, or experiences to your customers. We can help you increase the attractiveness and the value proposition of your business or your product.
– Building intangibles: We can help you create and strengthen the non-physical assets or resources of your business or your product, such as brand, reputation, intellectual property, customer relationships, or culture. We can help you enhance the value of your business or your product by creating a competitive advantage, a loyal customer base, a strong identity, or a high-quality standard.

With our value enhancement service, you can achieve your goals of selling your business or your product at a higher price, or gaining a competitive edge in the market. Contact us today to find out how we can help you enhance the value of your business or your product.

At SCIS, we offer a range of market research services to suit your specific needs and goals and can help you with:

– Primary research: We can help you collect and analyze original data from your potential or existing customers, using various methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments, or product testing. We can help you design and conduct primary research that is reliable, valid, and representative of your target market.
– Secondary research: We can help you access and utilize existing data from various sources, such as reports, publications, databases, websites, or social media. We can help you find and synthesize secondary research that is relevant, credible, and up-to-date for your business context.
– Market analysis: We can help you interpret and present the data and insights from your primary and secondary research, using various tools and techniques, such as SWOT analysis, Porter’s five forces analysis, market segmentation, market sizing, market forecasting, or competitive analysis. We can help you create and communicate market analysis that is clear, concise, and actionable for your business decisions.

With our market research services, you can gain a deeper and broader understanding of your market and industry, as well as a competitive edge over your rivals. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your market research needs.

Do you want to get more clients or customers for your business? Do you want to make your transactions easier and faster with the help of third parties?

If so, you need a professional partner who can offer you client acquisition and intermediary operations services and we have the expertise and experience to efficiently help you with:

– Client acquisition: We can help you develop and implement strategies to attract and persuade potential clients to buy your products or services. We can help you use various methods such as referrals, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, or search engine optimization to reach and engage your target market.
– Intermediary operations: We can help you work with third parties that facilitate the transactions between you and your clients. We can help you find and collaborate with brokers, dealers, or platforms that can help you access a wider market, reduce the costs and risks of selling, and increase the efficiency and speed of transactions.

With our client acquisition and intermediary operations services, you can achieve your goals of getting more clients or customers and making your transactions easier and faster. Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your client acquisition and intermediary operations needs.
Our Business Development Process
Jump in at any step
  • Market Entry Strategy Research
  • Market Entry Set Up and Implementation
  • Market Development